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Stay, Time, Awhile Thy Flying...

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AU2022 WINTER DRAFT WORKS (41)1671467425826_edited.jpg

Time flies....but stay awhile, my friends, and you too Time. Consider a playful evocation with a ‘Divine Mother’ manifesting Time. Her hopeless consorts are Elizabethan archetypes, The Fool and The Poet. Even her regal bearing is an impersonation, a walking shadow of eternity, whose tune we all dance to.


Created in 2022 for The Royal Ballet's 'Draftworks' evening the piece is set to three ancient compositions each with a focus on one of the three corresponding characters. 


1st Song : 'Tarleton's Resurrection' - John Dowland.

 Dowland was an eminent composer and lutenist of the English Renaissance best known for his melancholy songs and lute repertoire. The Tarleton of the title refers to Richard Tarleton the most famous clown of his age (a generation before Dowland) and also an accomplished actor and writer. In this section we are introduced to 'The Fool' a quick-witted and capricious character that deftly wears many masks and deceives our expectations of a performer.


2nd Song 'O Eterne Deus' - Hildegard von Bingen

An omnipresent force suddenly unveils herself this 'Divine Mother' weaves time from her spiraling movements and 'The Fool' like a court jester worships her, simultaneously enhancing her powers and subverting them. Hildegard von Bingen was a 12th Century polymath and abbess who composed, painted and wrote extensively. Her music is sparse but mysterious and enchanting in its long lines of melody sung in Latin.


3rd Song - 'Time Stands Still' - John Dowland 

A man stumbles upon this unusual pair of fool and divine woman. Blind to the woman's true nature he is captivated by her and enthralled in her every movement, hardly noticing the fools presence. He assumes the role of 'The Poet' pouring forth his heart with growing desperation, in this exalted state even time hold its breath as the woman toys with him before sending him on his way.

Time stands still with gazing on her face,
stand still and gaze for minutes, houres and yeares, to her give place:
All other things shall change, but shee remaines the same,
till heavens changed have their course & time hath lost his name.
Cupid doth hover up and downe blinded with her faire eyes,
and fortune captive at her feete contem’d and conquerd lies.
When fortune, love, and time attend on
Her with my fortunes, love, and time, I honour will alone,
If bloudlesse envie say, dutie hath no desert.
Dutie replies that envie knowes her selfe his faithfull heart,
My setled vowes and spotlesse faith no fortune can remove,
Courage shall shew my inward faith, and faith shall trie my love.

Lyrics from John Dowland's 'Time Stands Still'



The Divine Mother - Kristen Mcnally

The Fool - Taisuke Nakao

The Poet - Harry Churches

Lighting Designer - Natasha Chivers

Music - John Dowland and Hildegard von Bingen

Oh neverending God,
please may you smolder
in the selfsame love
in which you conceived those limbs
that we would become,
when you birthed your Son
in the first sunrise
before all creation.
Look upon these urgings
that fall on us,
and draw them out of us
through your son,
and lead us deep into the joy of salvation. 


Translated text of 'O Eterne Deus', Hildegard Von Bingen

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